不知道還有誰記得,2006年NBC推出的那部《日落大道60號演播室》,盡管評論界一片叫好之聲,可是觀眾對里面那些念念叨叨、自以為是、鬼都聽不懂的臺詞不買賬,于是,這個片子被砍了。與《日落》同時推出的還有另一部以演播室為題材的半小時喜劇《30 Rock》,NBC的意思估計是想高低搭配,可不想無心插柳柳成蔭,大餐《日落》竟然當真日落,作為配菜出場的《30 Rock》則非常之Rock,07年10月份的艾美獎頒獎典禮上,《30 Rock》以非常黑馬的姿態(tài)斬獲最佳喜劇獎,力壓《明星伙伴》、《辦公室》、《兩個半男人》、《丑女貝蒂》,前途燦爛。
片名30 Rock,是NBC總部洛克菲勒中心的簡稱。本片虛構(gòu)了一個NBC的節(jié)目The Girlie Show,講述的就是這個節(jié)目制作團隊,臺前幕后的種種趣事?!?0 Rock》陣容極其強大,同NBC電視臺的王牌喜劇節(jié)目《周...
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2024 歐美簡介: La Maison will take a behind-the-curtain look at how a family dynasty of an iconic fashion house is thrown into scandal and reinvention by a viral video featuring star designer Vincent LeDu, leaving his family’s legendary haute couture house hanging by a thread. Perle Foster, Vincent’s former muse who is still in his shadow, teams up with next-generation, visionary designer Paloma Castel to save and recreate the century-old Maison LEDU, claiming their rightful place in both the LeDu family and the fashion world.
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